Saturday, February 18, 2006

A picture I took of LJ tonight and changed into a cartoon picture she's still gorgeous though.

My Valentine's Day flowers from David.

Howdy all, hope this post finds you all well. It's been a reasonably busy week for us Sunday the 12th we had a family lunch at Kerry's house for Vic and Jan, whom we haven't seen in a long time. It was so nice to catch up with them. The whole Carruthers clan showed up for the occasion. (Which reminds me I need to get my photo's developed.) David bought me a beautiful bunch of flowers for Valentine's Day which was very unexpected as I had said I did not want anything, which made it an even more beautiful surprise. Wednesday we lucked out on going to playgroup, we just couldn't be bothered and it was a little chilly for outdoor play. So instead we bought David a mobile phone as a present for Valentine's Day. Thursday I got my eyes checked at the optometrist and have ordered new glasses that I should hopefully have by the end of next week yay I can't wait til I can see properly again. Friday night we had lamb on the spit for dinner at Neil and Brooke's it was really lovely. And the added bonus was that LJ fell asleep on the way home and slept the whole night through til 8am. Poor little girl was absolutely tuckered out. Today was chill out day, relax, read, do a little gardening. Tomorrow David and I are off the the movies and we are leaving LJ with Nana and Pop (AKA Mandy and Steve)can't wait to have a little US time it's going to be absolutely wonderful. Well that's all from us til next time all our love. Our thoughts are especially with Papa Coochie who's in hospital at the moment with Bowel Cancer, all our prayers are with you Coochie we can't wait to see you when you are feeling better. All our love also to Vic and Jan, whom we don't get to see anywhere near as often as we should, due to Vic's failing health. We love and miss you all!! Hol, Dave and LJ xoxo

P.S. One of these days I'll get me shit together and put our family portrait on here.

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